If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one

----------Welcome to Prophetess Priya Ministries----------

" We expect excellence in ministry, not perfection. Excellence is doing our best, God deserves our best. "

Expect nothing but excellency

Serve Humanity

The ministry was founded by the founder Priya Basu to build up and raise the impoverished to their feet and to provide food for the hungry, to provide clothing to the naked, to provide roof to the homeless, and aid everyone disregarding of their caste, creed, color, age & religious affiliation.

This ministry provides food ration and hygiene kits to many households in these group of Islands, to people who are needful and have no means of financial support. The ration kits are reissued after every 45 days. The provision gives access to many people living in or connected to the households with healthy and nourishing food.

Ration Items provisioned by the Ministry

Our Mission

At Prophetess Priya Ministries we carry out social activities in regard to general necessities like food, cloth & shelter besides that we work for the welfare of heckled girls and women, with the help of generous donations and offerings, we desire to open old age homes and give employment to people furthermore work towards the eradication of poverty from the Islands, Nations and entire World.

From The Founder's DESK

Mrs.Priya Basu founded the ministry with the noble mission of uplifting the impoverished, providing nourishment for the hungry, clothing for the needy, shelter for the homeless, and aiding individuals regardless of their caste, creed, color, age, or religious affiliation. Additionally, the ministry strives to offer educational opportunities and healthcare services to improve the overall well-being of those in need, and to promote equality and social harmony within the community.

--- Prophetess Priya

Your seeds (i.e. Donations & Offerings) help us feed hungry children / families in our own neighborhood here and some in different islands.

Your help is not small

One “little” action can transform our island, nation and world. Many people don’t realize this, but its true. The energy of even a single & small good deed can spread across the globe. That’s the holy, transformative energy of God!

With this in mind I’d like to ask you to donate today to keep our ministry going strong, spreading, strengthening & uniting people everywhere. You may think your gift is small & doesn’t have a large impact, but it does. You make a huge difference.

We try to meet the needs of every single person who walks through our virtual doors, to provide each one with nourishing & uplifting food for thought and achieve a positive & productive mindset.

Your gift of seed will help ensure that we serve every single person who seeks help.

We cannot do it alone.

We really need your partnership to help the many people who are relying on us.

Would you please give generously to our “ministry”. We are all in this together, and we all need to strengthen & empower one another!

Donate for the Needy

Their Smiles and Happiness are Priceless

Ration Distributions

Be a part of us

Sharing Hands to help the Needy

Make a Difference

A few word they Speak

Sharing their Lives

Reach Us - Here We are

" We expect excellence in ministry, not perfection. Excellence is doing our best, God deserves our best. " SERVE HUMANITY

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